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Dual Layer FBE

Published:2018/05/26 Anti-corrosion pipe Steel Pipe 标签:Dual Layer FBEviews:2800

Dual Layer Abrasion Resistant Fusion Bond Epoxy Coating

Dual Layer Abrasion Resistant FBE Systems provide excellent properties for a variety of service applications which may include directional drilling and anti-abrasion for road and river crossings, as well as elevated temperature in wet environments and anti-slip applications.

Dual Layer FBE pipe

  1. Anti-Corrosion Coating 2.Abrasion Resistant Overcoat

Features & Benefits

High operating temperature capabilities

  • Dual Layer FBE provides excellent adhesion to steel, providing superior long term corrosion resistance and protection of pipelines operating up to 110°C***.
  • The superior adhesion properties of the anticorrosion coating provide excellent resistance to cathodic disbondment, reducing the cost of cathodic protection during the operation of the pipeline.

Excellent abrasion and impact resistance

  • Provides excellent abrasion and impact resistance and sufficient flexibility to protect against possible damage to the anti-corrosion coating during pipe transportation, pipeline construction, road bores, and directional drills.

Improved handling characteristics

  • Provides tough physical properties that minimize damage during handling, transportation, installation and operation.


Field Bending of Dual Layer FBE is not recommended.

Related Standards and Specifications

  • CSA Z245.20
  • ISO 9001

Dual Layer FBE pipe

Typical Plant Capabilities and Product Properties

Capablity/Property Dual Layer FBE
Minimum Pipe Diameter 90 mm (3.5”)*
Maximum Pipe Diameter 1220 mm + (48”+)
Minimum Pipe Length 5.5 m (18’)
Maximum Pipe Length 25 m (80’)
Minimum Recommended Handling & Construction Temperature -30°C (-22°F)**
Maximum Recommended Operating Temperature 110°C (230°F)***

Values shown are typical and may vary from plant to plant.

* NPS 3 and 4 depend on wall thickness.
***Soil type, moisture content, temperature & coating thickness all influence the upper operating temperature limit as per manufacture’s published literature.

